Firefighters”™ initial per-call rate to remain at $35

Firefighters here will stick with their current base rate of pay for responding to incidents.

On April 10 Minto council approved small increases in annual compensation rates, as well as hourly rates for meetings, training sessions and truck checks, as well as standby pay.

The increases were the first in a dozen years for local firefighters and council also directed Fire Chief Chris Harrow to return with a proposal for a higher per-call compensation rate as well.

Volunteer firefighter pay for incidents is $35 per call up to two hours, and $15 per hour after two hours. The April 10 proposal called for maintaining the $35 per call up to two hours but increasing the rate after two hours to $16 per hour.

However, at the June 5 meeting Harrow advised council that an increase in the initial per call rate was not needed.

“We reviewed the incident pay and our incident pay is right on par … with other departments. So our recommendation is that we just stay with wage policy that was presented earlier and no other changes need to be made.”

Council approved the recommendation.
